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National Professional Qualifications (NPQs)




Having delivered National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) for many years, in partnership with various providers, since 2021 we have been a local delivery partner for Teach First.  Teach First are one of a select group of national providers who have been designated to design, deliver and assess NPQs, in collaboration with delivery partners such as Teaching School Hubs.

From Autumn 2024, we will also partner with Best Practice Network to deliver the new NPQ for SENCOs. 

Accredited by the Department for Education (DfE), NPQs are the most widely recognised qualifications in the education sector for current and aspiring leaders and they provide training and support for teachers and school leaders at all levels. From those who want to develop expertise in high-quality teaching practice, such as behaviour management, to those leading multiple schools across trusts.

The DfE have previously funded NPQs for teachers in all state-funded schools (up to and including the    2023-24 academic year) but this funding was part of Covid recovery and has now ended. 

In Autumn 2024, FULLY FUNDED places will be available for all schools on NPQH, NPQLPM, NPQSENCO and for the EHCO. Funded places will be available on other NPQs based on schools' pupil premium data, and we now have a full list of eligible schools - please contact us to check if your school is eligible.

To apply for a place on an NPQ starting in Autumn 2024, please click here

The deadline for Teach First scholarship funded places will be Monday 9th September at 5pm. Applications from colleagues whose school are paying for their place will be accepted until 4th October.

To apply for the NPQ for SENCOs, please click here.

Types of NPQ

There are five specialist NPQs for teachers and school leaders who want to broaden their expertise in particular areas. The following programmes are for those who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading teaching in a subject or year, leading behaviour and/or supporting pupil wellbeing in their school, or leading the development of other teachers in their school. (Click on the links below for further information).

For those looking to progress into senior leadership and beyond, the following five NPQs build foundational knowledge to rapidly progress your school, education setting or trust’s key improvement priorities – all while creating and embedding a culture that allows your school/eduction setting, staff and pupils to thrive:

  • NPQ for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) - for leaders qualified to at least Level 3 with a full and relevant qualification who are, or are aspiring to be, managers of private, voluntary and independent nurseries, headteachers of school-based and maintained nurseries, or childminders with leadership responsibilities.
  • NPQ for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) - for existing and aspiring leaders, who have cross-school responsibilities.
  • NPQ for Headship (NPQH) - for both new and aspiring Headteachers. 
  • NPQ for Executive Leadership (NPQEL)for leaders who are, or who are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a Trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools.
  • NPQ for SENCOs (NPQSENCO) - replacing the NASENCO award from Autumn 2024, for SENDCOs and other school leaders.

Early Headship Coaching Offer (EHCO) - this is aimed at new headteachers taking the NPQH in their first five years of headship.

One to One Support Offer - Teach First is offering free one-to-one support on all of the NPQ programmes, for teachers and leaders working in schools and settings serving disadvantaged communities.  This free support comes in the form of an experienced former school leader who will coach and guide you throughout your NPQ. You can apply for this in your application with us and Teach First will allocate this support on a priority school basis.

Costs and Scholarship Funding

The Department for Education previously funded NPQs for teachers in all state-funded schools (up to and including the 2023-24 academic year) but this funding was part of Covid recovery and has now ended. 

In Autumn 2024, FULLY FUNDED scholarship places will be available for all schools on NPQH, NPQLPM, NPQSENCO and for the EHCO. Funded places will be available on other NPQs, based on schools' pupil premium data, and we now have a full list of eligible schools from the DfE. Please check with us if you are unsure whether your school is eligible.

For schools who are paying for places, the following fees will apply:



Specialist NPQs












Application Process and Deadlines

Applications for all NPQs involve a two-stage process and both stages must be completed:

1. Complete an application form. (All applications will be screened to assess applicants’ suitability before being accepted onto a programme)


2. Register for an NPQ on the DfE portal. (When completing this stage please ensure that you specify you wish to undertake the programme with the Leicester & Leicestershire Teaching School Hub & Teach First).


Guidance on completing your application, and the questions that will be asked, can be found in the application guidance PDF below (PLEASE READ before starting your application).

The deadline for Teach First scholarship funded places will be Monday 9th September at 5pm. Applications from colleagues whose school are paying for their place will be accepted until 4th October.